Japan goes casual 日本吹起休閒風
Sunday, Jun 18, 2006,Page 14
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi wears a light white shirt as part of the "Cool Biz" campaign.
日本首相小泉純一郎穿著輕便的白襯衫,響應「Cool Biz」夏日清涼便裝運動。 (照片:法新社) PHOTO: AFP |
The government has asked people in both the private and public sectors to dress lightly and set the temperature of their air-conditioned offices no lower than 28?C during the hot summer months.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has pledged to discard his tie throughout the campaign, except when meeting important people from other countries.
"It feels nice not to have to wear a tie," Koizumi said, wearing a loose, white shirt in Tokyo.
The government has said that in 2005, the first Cool Biz campaign helped reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 460,000 tons, which is equal to the emissions from 1 million Japanese households per month.
About one-third of Japanese offices said they had significantly reduced the use of air-conditioning after last year's campaign.
But not everyone is happy. Last year tie-makers made less money during the summer months. There are also people who are not taking advantage of the opportunity to dress casually.
"Personally, I don't like to wear ties. But since that's the way it has always been done, I can't do otherwise," said one 23-year-old office worker dressed in a black suit and light-blue tie on his lunch break in central Tokyo.
Some older businessmen are especially reluctant to ditch their tie.
"Ties strangle me," joked one 64-year-old, "but since I work in a major company, they're a status symbol." (AFP)
日本已經展開「Cool Biz」夏日清涼便裝運動,政治人物紛紛脫掉西裝、拿下領帶,鼓勵民眾減少使用冷氣。
日本政府表示,二005年首度推行的「Cool Biz」運動有效減少了四十六萬噸二氧化碳的排放,這相當於日本一百萬個家庭每月的排放量。
約有三分之一的日本官員表示,去年開始推行「Cool Biz」運動後,冷氣的使用已明顯減少。
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